Blending hard data and rigorous analysis, Dr Hewlett proves that a diverse talent pool unlocks innovation, boosts results, and drives competitive strength. She advises organizations large and small to embrace the “power of difference” and leverage new ideas across gender, age, sexual orientation, race and culture in order to Lead in an Age of Inclusion.

Sylvia Ann Hewlett
"No matter how fiercely you lean in, you still need someone with power to lean in with you."
- Sylvia Ann Hewlett

Blending hard data and rigorous analysis, Hewlett proves that a diverse talent pool drives innovation and boosts results. Hewlett advises organizations large and small to embrace the "power of difference" and leverage new ideas across gender, age, sexual orientation, race, and culture.

Forget a Mentor Find a Sponsor

Introducing Sylvia's latest book:
Executive Presence 2.0

In this updated and expanded edition of her celebrated book Executive Presence: The Missing Link Between Merit and Success, one of the world’s most influential business thinkers reveals the qualities essential to leadership in our post-pandemic and increasingly diverse world. Some are timeless (confidence, decisiveness), some are brand new (the ability to command Zoom), and all are game-changers.

Sylvia Fireside ChatSylvia EP Keynote
Executive Presence 2.0: Leadership in an Age of Inclusion launched at Citi's headquarters to an enthusiastic 700 person audience. The audience included thirty-something-year-olds as well as seasoned leaders who were fascinated by Sylvia's vivid examples of authenticity-in-action.


Sponsorship • Executive Presence • #MeToo • Off-Ramps & On-Ramps

Sheryl Sandberg
"Sylvia Ann Hewlett makes the smart practical case for why all leaders should be sponsors."
Sheryl Sandberg, COO, Facebook
Josef Wagner
"Your speech was truly helpful to those of us leading global teams and lifting up the value of difference. The tactics you shared are immediately useful."
Josef Wagner, Vice President of Food & Beverage, MGM Resorts
Bridget Pantaleo
“Many thanks Sylvia! We have had wonderful feedback from our audience.  You are a master storyteller!"
Bridget Pantaleo, Managing Director, JPMorgan Chase
Trey Boynton
"The Playbooks are getting a great response. Your tactical strategies are hitting strongly with both executives and managers.  Amazing work."
Trey Boynton, Global Lead for Inclusion, Cisco

Partners & Clients:

American ExpressCartierJohnson & JohnsonGoogleGoldman SachsJ.P. MorganState DepartmentIntelCiscoMGM ResortsCBREDraft KingsSiemensErnest & YoungWalt DisneyBlizzardThe World BankCentral Intelligence AgencyLondon Business SchoolSullivan & Cromwell
When The Bough BreaksCreating a LifeWinning the War for Talent In Emerging MarketsDisrupt Bias Drive ValueThe Sponsor EffectExecutive PresenceForget a Mentor Find a SponsorMe TooGrowing Global ExecutivesOff-Ramps and On-RampsTop TalentThe War Against ParentsBrain PowerA Lesser Life


Hear Sylvia's latest interview with Mary Killelea on the 2B Bolder podcast
2B Bolder Podcast : Career Insights for the Next Generation of Women in Business & Tech
Play Episode 104
2B Bolder Logo


Sylvia's most recent article in the Harvard Business Review
Why Companies Must Recommit to the Fight for LGBTQ+ Rights
Read Here
Harvard Business Review


Sylvia's most recent article in the
Harvard Buisness Review
Harvard Business Review
Why Companies Must Recommit to the Fight for LGBTQ+ Rights
Read Here
Recent news:
Sylvia at Hussein Convention
Sylvia Ann Hewlett speaks at Arab Women Leaders Conference on Dead Sea.
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